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totem in the labyrinth

labyrinth open Level 1
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Level 2 interior Level 2 exterior Level 3 Level 3 interior Levels 3 &4
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Level 4 Level 4 interior


Level One
The age of innocence, and of receiving: Earth (mother) is paradise, a cornucopia of food, water, energy, and wealth, whatever we need or desire. We are given; we take, with no need to think of giving back, to replenish. We only receive and receive. Nothing to do but cry for more and it magically appears.

Level Two
The age of sibling rivalry: me and mine, and definitely not yours. Protecting, measuring, comparing, cutting up, dividing everything, not sharing, building fortresses and boundaries, judging and categorizing: ownership and control are the only way to come out on top.

Level Three
The age of tribal consciousness: herd animals, and the incessant need for communication with other members of the tribe. The entire world becomes “wired” in every possible way. To “go places” is to be networked, to be a member of the tribe.

Level Four
The age of individuation, of personal accountability: finally a sense of responsibility— accepting cycles, the ebb and flow of seasons, the balancing of polarities. There comes reconciliation of heart and mind, of pain and pleasure, lean and plenty, of life and death. Earth and all its creatures can finally co-exist.

Quimera Gallery • By Appointment • Santa Fe NM • 505.955.0998